4 hellish Economy class flights later, we have returned to the US from our Wacken experience. I can honestly say, with no reservations, that during those three magical days, that festival is the best place to be on Earth. The Medieval stage (the one we played) & marketplace alone were worth the trip. It kicked the ever loving shit out of any renaissance fair I've ever attended. I was impressed the most by this metal mecca's own brand of beer! Amazing.
Wait no, what impressed me most is the sheer size. There's nothing quite like driving over a hill, the tree line clearing, and seeing an endless sea of camping tents that 80,000+ people call home for three days.
We had a slight hiccup in Hamburg as none of our checked baggage arrived with us. After waiting around for the next two consecutive flights from Frankfurt to collect our missing pieces we made waves for the Courtyard Marriot. To our surprise our booking company got each of us in the band his own room. Score. Then, as we casually awaited our shuttle to the festival grounds, we realized our hotel was a haven for pretty much every kickass band playing Wacken. Under the same roof was the likes of In Flames, Turisas, Destruction, Saxon, and Whiplash. And thats only who we saw come and go within a window of 30 minutes.
The set went off without a hitch. Our shark and parrot came out during Cruise Ship Terror to suply beer to the crowd via Supersoaker and Garden Sprayer, who undoubtedly appretiated it. Thanks for the kickass reception everyone. Biggest wave of death and circle pits I've ever seen at one of our shows. We respect the shit out of all of you. We also respect the shit out of your far superior Orange Fanta soda. Don't get me wrong, Orange Fanta in the states is "okay", but certainly lacks the magical essence found within your elixir. I brought three bottles home with me.
We stayed one night in Hamburg and then another night in Frankfurt. There was a police convention going on at the hotel we stayed at in Frankfurt. Your cops look like our guido "bro's". Whats going on with that Germany?
For those interested I believe the setlist went something like this:
Hoist the Mainsail (Intro)
Scurvy Back
Back to the Noose
No Prey No Pay
Drink Up
Cruise Ship Terror
Peg Leg Stomp
Walk the Plank
Rounds of Rum
Upon the Spanish Main
Crewed by the Damned
The Grog Box
Dead Men Tell No Lies
We Sunk Your Battleship
"X" Marks the Spot
Nautical Nonsense
Jolly Roger